저승사자 is sometimes shortened as 사신(使臣) which means "a messenger an envoy an emissary". They are the Korean equivalent to the Western Concept of as "Death" and "Grim Reapers" so in English translations they are called "Grim Reapers". 저승사자 (Jeoseung-saja), literally means "Netherworld Emissary" (or "'Messenger from the other world"). It is used to seal the souls of reaper's targets in the Grim Reaper's Book. Four Tiger Sword: a black sword used by Grim Reapers.Dirge of the Otherwould x5: Gangrim summons 5 totem poles that each blast Dirge of the Otherworld at the target.Dirge of the Otherworld: The two large totem poles launch multiple holy-attribute imbued beams at the target.Underneath their wood-like exterior of each totem pole are multiple-barrelled cannon-shaped mechas that blast multiple holy-attribute imbued destructive beams Great General of All Under Heaven & Female General of the Underworld:The user summons two large totem poles from the earth.Little Dukchun: An apparition from the Grim Reaper's book that binds the souls that the user has defeated.The user must repeat repeat the target's name three times in order to imprison them. Grim Reaper's Book: The user's passive skill which is a prison for souls that they've captured.If succeeded, the caster transforms to their True Awakening. Third Ability: If the bullet is shot into the caster's heart, the Death God can descend upon them but there is a 44% chance of the caster falling into a coma.Second Ability: The second ability is that it can shoot any souls released from the book and make them follow the caster's orders but there must be a reward for the commands.First Ability: The first ability is Instant Death, summoning the Death God which cannot be affected by any means and instantly kills the target.Death Revolver: A gun that binds the soul containing six bullets, and containing three different effects.The class Grim Reaper Class embodies the God of Death and is a class that specialises in death related magic and soul manipulation. A class that carries the motif of various grim reaper myths, the main one being Gangrim Doryeong, the Grim Reaper in Korean mythology.